Jesus loves me yes I know 耶穌愛我我知道

Yesterday when our son Enoch was singing the most famous kid’s gospel song “Jesus loves me yes I know” in the car, we as usual sang along with him. But this time I realized how this song tells about a very simple truth.

Jesus loves me yes I know

For the Bible tells me so

That’s right, I know Jesus loves me, because the Bible tells me so, NOT because I can FEEL His love today. It’s not that I CANNOT FEEL His love tomorrow, so He doesn’t love me. It’s not  that when my life is so down and nobody seems to care, so He doesn’t love me.

Don’t let our hearts be dragged by our feelings. Don’t let our faith built on the sand.

Trust in the Lord and His WORDS — The Truth.

Because the Bible tells me how Jesus loves me and died for me on the cross, so I know His love never change and never fail.

昨天開車路上,聽到兒子以諾又哼起了耳熟能詳的兒童詩歌「耶穌愛我 我知道」,如同往常,我們一起唱了起來。但突然在聖靈的光照下,我才發現這一首詩歌清楚道出了一項我們時常遺忘的真理。

這首歌的歌詞說到… 「耶穌愛我 我知道 因有聖經告訴我」

我笑著跟James分享,這首歌不只在教我們耶穌愛我而已,這首歌也在教導孩子,信仰,必須扎根於 神的話語。

這首歌的歌詞並不是在唱:耶穌愛我 我知道 因為我「感覺得到」




許多人因著親身經歷而信主,或是因他人的見證受感動,看似是透過感受而信主,但事實上,乃是看到 神的話語在一個人的生命中活生生的呈現出來。所以同樣的,信了主,也要更多透過 神的話語來認識 神,讓 神的話語成為生命的源頭和動力。

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